The Old Testament
Isaiah 52:7 "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation" - as the war is won, and the messenger is sent to carry a message of good news (Evangelion) over the mountains back to the people, proclaiming Christ's victory over evil and death.
1. Genesis
1. God created the universe and ended creating man, as His last creation, in His own image - then He rested.
2. Man lives in a garden with 2 specific trees, one the tree of life, and the other the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
3. Man (Adam and Eve) eats of the tree of knowlege of good and evil and so commits sin, and have to enter a world of suffering.
4. The first brothers Cain and Able end with conflict where Cain kills Able. Seth becomes Adam & Eve`s third son.
5. Sons of God had intercourse with Human woman - legends and heroes came from these.
6. The human race became wicked - and God was sorry that He made Man, and decided to wipe out the human race.
7. God found Noah was righetous, and told him to build a boat to preserve his family and animals as a flood is comming.
8. After the world flood, God makes a covenant with Noah to never send a world flood, and gives a rainbow as a sign for rememberance.
9. Man build the tower of Babel, but God creates more languages so Man can spead over the earth, and not advance in political unity.
10. God Destroy's Sodom and Gomorrah due to their high degree of sin, Abraham ask for Lot's family to be saved from the city
11. Abraham gets Isaac, and Isaac have sons Jacob and Esau. Jacob steals Esau birthright and steals Esau`s blessing.
12. Jacob has many sons but one of them Joseph was sold by his brothers but ended being second in charge of Egypt under Pharaoh.
> All creation speaks of a Creator, we start in believing in God, but must end in knowing.
2. Exodus
1. The Israelits that came to Egypt under Joseph, had became many and was turned into slaves under the Egyptians.
2. Due to fear of the growing Isralite population Pharaoh instruted that all newborn Isralite boys must be thrown into the Nile.
3. Moses was born and resuced by one of Pharaoh's daughters, Moses killed an Egyptian, and then had to flee to Midian.
4. God speaks to Moses through a burning bush and instruct Moses to free the Israelites and take them to a promised land.
5. Moses speaks to Pharaoh, but Pharaoh denies to free the Israelites - so God brings 10 plagues to Egypt.
6. After the Passover - Pharaoh instructs the Exodus of Israel out of Egypt into the wilderness.
7. God sustains and protects the Israelites in the desert and gave them the 10 Commandments on mount Sinai.
8. Laws are introduced, and the building of the Tabernacle with all its requirments are completed and then God's Glory fills it.
> You shall know God, and God shall set you free.
3. Leviticus
1. Procedures are given for offerings and the roles and functions of the priests and levites (Sacraficial system).
2. Laws given to the what to eat and bodily rules, personal conduct and punishments.
3. Laws to festivals, Sabath year, and redemption of property, the poor and enslaved.
> The Law was never meant to be written in stone, but in the hearts of man.
4. Numbers
1. Israel's first census and special regulations for the Isralites.
2. The Israelites leaves Sinai and the people complained to Moses due to their hardships.
3. Moses chooses 70 leaders to help him leading the people.
4. 12 scouts explore Canaan, but fear spead by some of the scouts that they would not be able to take the new land.
5. The people rebeled and God punshed them that all over 20 years of age will not enter Canaan.
6. Moses strikes the rock to give water to the people, however God told Moses and Aaron that due to lack of trust they will not enter Canaan.
7. Aaron died and the the people were complaining again, so God send poisones snakes - requiring looking at bronze snake for healing.
8. The journey to the plains of Moab and Balaam blessing Israel and giving prophecies.
9. Preparations in Moab for entry into Canaan.
> Trust and believe God, else fear and compaint will deny us our promised land.
5. Deuteronomy
1. Moses gives his first address to the people leaving Sinai, Israels wanderings, victories and the need for Israel to obey.
2. Mosed gives his second address, about the law, ldolatry, regulations, thihes and a call to love and obedience.
3. Summary of various laws - Moses reviews the covenant, and call the people to retun to God.
4. Moses gives his third adress and appoints Joshua to lead.
5. Final words of Moses and his death on Mount Nebo.
> May the new generation learn from the old, to ensure a future.
6. Joshua
1. Joshua now leads the Israelites as the successor of Moses.
2. While the Israelites waited on the plains of Moab, Joshua prepared them for battle.
3. Rahab protects the spies.
4. Once ready, Joshua led them across the Jordan river to start their conquest of the promised land.
5. The fall of Jericho and Rahab and her family being saved.
6. The Israelites fought 3 campaigns: Central, Southern and Northern regions. (defeating 31 kings)
7. The land was then divided amoung the tribes of Israel.
8. The death of Joshua, and the bones of Joseph to be buried.
> To recieve what God has promised is obtained through many battles.
7. Judges
1. Israel had no earthly king as God was their King, requiring the nation to be faithful to God.
2. However the people soon became unfaithful to God, practicing ways of their pagan neighbors.
3. To punish the Isrealites for their disobedience God allowed the neighbours of Israel to oppress them.
4. The Israelites repeatedly asked God to rescue them, God then raised leaders to drive our the enemy.
5. Such leaders were known as the Judges, they not only fought the enemies, but also turned Israels heart back to God.
6. It became an iterative process of: Israel's sin; a new Judge is required; Israel's repentence and rescue.
> A nation that is God serving will prosper, however God will rescue a nation if it repents its sins.
8. Ruth
1. Ruth a Moabite widow, leaves her homeland to care for her mother-in-law, Naomi who is also a widow.
2. Ruth was not part of God's chosen people, Israel, but she chose to follow God anyway.
3. So God rewarded Ruth for her faithfulness, in providing her with food, and a husband Boaz.
4. Jesus and king David would be born from Boaz and Ruth's decendants.
> Ruth trusted in God, and in this God rewarded her for her faithfulness.
9. 1-Samuel
1. Hannah asked God to have a child as she could not have children, God then granted her a son - called Samuel.
2. Samuel was then taken to Eli after he was weaned, as Hannah promised God she will give her child to Him.
3. Samuel became the Lords helper as he assisted Eli the Priest, also working in the Tabernacle.
4. As Samuel grew old the people asked him that they would like to have a king like the other nations.
5. Samuel appointed Saul as Isreael's first king. Saul has a good start but in the end made more bad decisions.
6. God brought an end to Saul, and David was chosen to take his place.
7. Saul tried to kill David, but in the end Saul and his son are dead, with David is next in line to be king.
> No matter who you are, with God you will become more powerful, without Him you will become weaker.
10. 2-Samuel
1. David becomes king of Judah at 30, and then after becomes king of all Israel at age 33 (total reign of 40 years).
2. David captured Jerusalem then conquered the Phillistines and brought the Ark to Jerusalem.
3. David slept with Bathsheba and arrange the killing of her husband.
4. Nathan the prophet rebuked David and David confessed his Guilt.
5. David and Bathsheba got a son and they called him Solomon.
6. David's other son Absalom led a rebellion to become king, David has to escape from Jerusalem.
7. In the end David defeat Absalom, mourns his death and then returns to Jerusalem.
> Although God does forgive us our sin, when we repent, the consequence of sin remains.
11. 1-Kings
1. David's other son Adonijah decided to make himself king in the place of David, as David was getting very old.
2. Bathsheba and Nathan told David about the news and David decreed that Solomon will become the next king.
3. David's final words to Solomon was that he must do the will of God so he can be succesfull.
4. Solomon ask God to know right from wrong - so God gave him Wisdom but also understanding and knowledge.
5. Solomon has a time of piece and made alliances with nations and traded with them.
6. Solomon builds the temple for God in 7 years, and also a palace (bigger than the Temple) for himself taking 13 years.
7. Solomon build many cities and ceated infrastucture, with a fleet of trading ships.
8. Solomon married many foreign woman having 700 wives and 300 concubines, and then starting to worship other gods.
9. God caused a rebellion against Solomon because of this, and gave in the end 10 of the tribes to Jeroboam.
10. Solomon's son Rehoboam rained over Jerusalem and Judah with Jeroboam ruling the 10 tribes of Israel.
11. Jeroboam served other gods and was removed and replaced by Ahab, under whom the people served Baal and Asherah
12. Elijah was the only remining prophet and challenged the 450 prophets of Baal on mount Carmel.
13. God answered the offering with fire from Heaven, the people turn again to God and Elijah ordered the killing of the prophets.
> Although wisdom is knowing right from wrong - we still need to act on what is right and avoid doing wrong.
12. 2-Kings
1. Elijah the prophet was taken to heaven with a chariot of fire with horses of fire.
2. Elisha became his successor, having recieved a double portion of Elijah's spirit, conducting twice as many miracles.
3. The 2 kingdoms are far from God, and are lost in their sins, with God's prophet bringing hope to the nation.
4. During the rule of the last evil king; Hoshea, the Assyrians took the Northen Kingdom (10 tribes) into captivity.
5. The Southern Kingdom (2 tribes) did not do much better, and concludes with God's warning to judgement.
> If you refrain from serving God it will lead to destruction.
13. 1-Chronicles
1. The book starts with an extensive account of Israel's family history - to provide a sense of identity, heritage and destiny.
2. After the genealogies comes the account of the first 2 kings (Saul & David), their success and failures stem largely from their spiritual choices.
3. The book closes with the vision of David for the Temple that is the be built.
> You are part of a huge time line of history, and you contribution will be determined by your spiritual choices.
14. 2-Chronicles
1. The Book commence with Solomon asking for Wisdom and the building of the Temple.
2. The destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the people to Babylon is described.
3. The book closes with a positive note that the people of Judah may return home.
> History will show you the reality of positive consequence and rewards of faithfulness; but also the negative consequence of sin.
15. Ezra
1. The opens with the Israelites' return to the land of Judah after their captivity in Babylon.
2. The rebuilding of the temple starts under Zerubbabel, with its struggels and its completion.
> God shows His faithfulness to His promise to restore His people to their land.
16. Nehemiah
1. It starts with Nehemiah that learned that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down, and that the city was defenseless.
2. Nehemiah obtained permision from the king of Persia to rebuilt the wall, and then traveled to Jerusalem.
3. In Jerusalem he surveyed the situation and began to reconstruct the wall, and saw it through even having setbacks from enemies.
4. The walls were rebuilt within a short period of time, and dedicated to God.
5. Nehemiah led the people also to recommit themselves to follow God (National repentance, and reading the law).
> The importance of a man on a mission to rebuild the people and their physical world.
17. Esther
1. Ester and her uncle lived in the land of Persia, where the Jews were in exile.
2. After the queen of Persia insulted her husband, the king, she was deposed, and the king began to look for a new queen.
3. Ester was selected to be queen for the beauty, but she kept her Jewish nationality a secret.
4. A wicked man "Haman" became the king's advisor, and began plotting the extermination of all Jews in the empire.
5. Ester's uncle learned of the plot and begged Ester to intervene.
6. So Ester risked her life and approached the king in this matter.
7. The king heared the plea and the Jews were saved, with Haman being hanged on a gallows which he had prepared for Ester's uncle.
> It is the story of a woman who risked her life to save her people.
18. Job
1. It begins with Job losing his children, his wealth and his health - all within a short period of time.
2. Only Job's wife escaped the ruin that Satan inflicted upon him.
3. Then Job'S 3 friends came to comfort him and refecting on the purpose of his suffering.
4. The basic question was posed: Why do we endure suffering when God is powerful enough to do something about it?
5. Job's wife simply declared it is unfair, advising Job to curse God and die.
6. No one could provide Job with a satisfactory answer.
7. Finaly God spoke to Job asking him questions, so he could recognize his limited understanding of life.
8. Job realized that ultimately God is in charge and knows what He is doing, so Job remained silent, admitting God's sovereignty.
9. In the end God restored Job's health, wealth and family.
> Job's life ended in even more blessing from God as he stood the test.
19. Psalms
1. Through life we experience a wide range of emotions, such emotions can be found in Psalms.
2. These emotions speaks to us through the expanse of time as it is shared across the ages.
3. It paints a picture of the human soul to navigate its way through life.
> When we connect to God it is also on an emotional level that speaks through our soul.
20. Proverbs
1. Knowledge helps us pass tests and accomplish tasks, but wisdom will guide you through the most important decisions in life.
2. The book of proverbs were written by the wisest man who ever lived.
3. Its purpose is to apply divine wisdom to daily life, starting with reverence or respect for God.
> The very foundation and beginnings of wisdom is to understand who God is an who you are.
21. Ecclesiastes
1. It shows that fame, pleasure, power, money, health, knowledge etc, that each on its own, ultimaterly ends in disappointment leaving us empty.
2. It appears that Solomon abandoned hope in worldly pursuits, and that meaning is to be found in God.
> The conclusion to all is "Fear God and obey His commands, this is the duty of every person".
22. Songs of songs
1. Sex today has become a freely traded commodity, rather than a private treasure shared by a committed husbnd & wife.
2.God values romantic love and sexual unity - the burning love people can have for one another and the stuggles they overcome in love.
> The love that is experienced by people must also remind us of a greather love of God for us.
23. Isaiah
1. Isaiah lived through the dark days of civil war between Israel & Judah, and saw the destruction of Israel by Assyria.
2. He spoke of the comming exile of Judah to Babylon, and the deliverance God will provide, restoring Judah.
> To call a nation (Judah) back to God, and telling them about God's salvation through the Messiah.
24. Jeremiah
1. Jeremiah lived in Judah for 40 years just before the people were exciled to Babylon.
2. It was too late for the people to bepunished for thirt sin, so Jeremiah ask them to turn from their sin and accept God's punishment.
3. Jeremiah was rejected by his people, and saw in the end the slaughter of Jerusalem and and the destruction of the temple.
> The importance to turn away from sin and turn back to God.
25. Lamentations
1. Jeremiah wrote this lamentation to express his grief over the tragic destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of its people to Babylon.
> It shows the consequence of sin, and that God suffers along with His people.
26. Ezekiel
1. Ezekiel was a priest who was among the captives taken to Babylon, where God called him to be a prophet.
2. Ezekiel predicted that Jerusalem would be destroyed - since then the people listened carefully to his preaching.
3. His message changed from judgement towards comfort and hope as the worst was over and it was time to begin again.
> It shows the cycle that after judgement after sin with punshment, God turns towards restoration.
27. Daniel
1. During this time the Jewish people lived as captives in Babylon.
2. Daniel and his friends as Jews recieved an excellent education and rose to high positions in the Babylon and Persian governments.
3. Daniel and his friends are persecuted but also saved due to their faith, with enounters with King Nebuchadnezzar.
4. Many dreams to the future is revealed, indicating God's plan and sovereignty.
> To show God is sovereign and that He commands the future.
28. Hosea
1. Hosea was a prophet who was called by God and married his wife Gomer.
2. After Gomer gave Hosea 3 children she became unfaithful, and the marriage was shattered.
3. Hosea use his experience with Gomer to illustrate God's experience with Israel.
4. In the end Hosea urged Gomer to repent to recieve forgiveness & restoration.
> This book illustrate God's love for his sinful people.
29. Joel
1. Joel urge the people that it is so much better to repent and live.
2. His message contain hope but also warning - however if the people repsond the warnings then God would be merciful.
3. God's used locusts to help people to turn from their sins, while there is still time.
> There is time to turn away from sin and to avoid the judement of God.
30. Obadiah
1. The Edomites (descendants of Esau) blood of the Israelites took part in the destruction of Jerusalem.
2. The Edomites should have come to the aid of Jerusalem, however they betrayed the Israelites.
> Condemnation for those who should stand with their brother but decide not to.
31. Jonah
1. Jonah tries to flee his calling by not going to Nineveh to preach to the people.
2. God send a storm to change Jonah's plans, and he was thrown overboard, then a giant fish swallowed him and saved him from drowning.
3. The fish then spewed Jonah onto the shore.
4. To Jonah's dismay, the king and citizens of Nineveh heard his message and repented, and so God spared them from destruction.
> It showes that it is God's intent to save people so that they get to know Him.
32. Micah
1. He summoned the priests and leaders to appear before God to plead their case, for they were about the be judged for their wickedness.
2. God will hold them accountabe for their actions, but Micah also made it clear that God's love never dies.
3. Judgement comes only after we have been given many opportunities to repent.
4. And once God's punishment has been given, He will restore His people to Himself again and forgive their sins.
> To remind of God's judgement is coming, and to offer restoration and forgiveness of sins.
33. Nahum
1. God will repay those who have inflicted terrible suffering on others - this was Nahum's message to the people of Nineveh.
2. They were guilty of arrogance, cruelty, idolatry, murder, lies, treachery, superstition and oppression.
> God will ensure that what you do unto others will not go unseen, and God will act accordingly.
34. Habakkuk
1. Habakkuk preached during the last days of Judah before its fall to Babylon.
2. Two questions emerged: Why God allowed the people of Judah to sin, and why God use a sinful nation like Babylon to punish Judah.
3. God answered Habakkuk by assertin that He would judge all people, and that the righteousness would ultimately prevail.
4. Justice might not happen immediately, but it will happen, this gave hope to trust God in dark days.
> We need to have faith in God that He has a plan for us and that justice will prevail in the end.
35. Zephaniah
1. Zephaniah was a prophet in the last decades before Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians.
2. Judah was materially prosperous and saw no need to repent their sins in order to please God.
> The purpose was to shake the people of Judah out of their comfort zone of wealth being complacent, and urge them to retun to God.
36. Haggai
1. Haggai lived in Jerusalem shortly after many Jews retuned from the exile in Babylon.
2.They started to rebuild the Temple, but due to opposition they left the work half way finished.
3. Haggai with Zechariah began a campaign to continue the work on the Temple, to complete the work.
> There is a call to the people to rebuild the Temple - this is a daily activity.
37. Zechariah
1. The first half of the book focus on the reconstruction of the Temple and the reinstitution of the priesthood.
2. The second half describes the age to come - when God's city is restored.
3. He told of a great shepherd or Messiah who will come to reign over a perfect kingdom.
> To give hope to God's people by revealing God's future deliverance.
38. Malachi
1. Spiritual health requires constant maintenance.
2. After returning to Jerusalem after the excile the Jews rebuild the Temple and reinstated the priesthood.
3. After many generations the Jews became complacent in their faith, even priests became corrupt and careless.
4. Not only condemnation to not tithe and not keeping God's commandments, but great blessing in obedience in God.
5. It end with the comming of Elijah who would prepare the way for the great "Day of the Lord"
> Confront people with their sin, and urge them to restore their relationship with God.