The New Testament
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. John 1:4&5 "Life itself was in Him, and this life gives light to everyone. The light shines through the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it".
1. Matthew
1. 40 generations from Abraham to the birth of Christ. (Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt due to Herod`s killing of children, and then to Nazareth).
2. John the Baptist, baptize Jesus, with the spirit of God was decending on Jesus.
3. Jesus spends 40 days in the wilderness eating nothing, being tempted - after this His Ministry commenced.
4. Jesus gives the Sermon on the Mount- providing meaning to the law.
5. Jesus heals people, teach, calm a storm, and gave authority to his 12 desciples to cast evil spirits out and also heal people.
6. Jesus indicates the limit if sin: Every sin can be forgiven but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit can not be forgiven.
7. Jesus has the last supper with His desciples at the time of Passover.
8. Jesus dies via Crucificion, and is resurrected 3 days later on the Sunday morning.
9. Jesus gives the great commission to spread to good news to all nations, and promise to be with us to the end.
> The law found its true purpose in Christ as Messiah, who brought the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.
2. Mark
1. John the Baptist, prepares the way for Jesus and baptize Him, after this Jesus when into the wilderness for 40 days.
2. Jesus called fishermen to be His first desciples.
3. Jesus taught with authority, cast out evil spirits, heal people, and chose 12 apostles.
4. Jesus has the last supper, is betrayed, arrested, denied, mocked and crucified.
5. After the Sabbath Jesus was resurrected, appeared to His 11 desciples, and was taken up into heaven.
> The Son of Man, came not to be served but to serve others, and to give His life for us.
3. Luke
1. Angel Gabriel appeard to Zachariah telling him he will have a son called John, and John will be filled with the Holy Spirit before birth.
2. John will have the spirit and power of Elijah and will prepare the way for Christ.
3. Angel Gabriel appeard to Mary telling her she will have a son and He must be called Jesus.
4. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and grew up in Nazareth in Galilee - He was filled with wisdom beyond His years.
5. Jesus commenced His public ministry at about 30 years of age after He was baptized, and the Holy spirit decended upon Him.
6. After His Baptizim He left the Jordan river and went into the wilderness for 40 days where He ate nothing and the Devil tempted Him.
7. Jesus taught with authority, heal people, casted out evil spirits, chose His Apostles and preached.
8. After the Last supper, Jesus predicts Peter's denial. Jesus prays on the mount of olives.
9. Jesus is betryed, arrested, denied, trailed before Pilate and then dies via crucifiction.
10. Jesus is resurrected and appears to his disciples, and others - and then taken up into heaven.
> Angel Gabriel to Mary: " You will have a son who will be very great, He will reign, His Kingdom will have no end".
> Christ's last words on the cross: "It is finished" - Meaning the price for sin is paid so we can have eternal life.
4. John
1. In the beginning was the Word who was with God and is God. He created all there is, and life itself was in Him, which gives eternal light to all.
2. John the Baptist indicate he is the voice in the wilderness shouting to prepare the way for the Lord's comming, baptizing with water.
3. John saw Jesus and said: there He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
4. Jesus chose His first desciples. He turns water to wine, and clears the temple.
5. Jesus tells Nicodemus that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that those who believe in Him can have eternal life.
6. Jesus told the Pharisees that those without sin can throw the first stone to stone the woman caught in adultery.
7. Jesus said you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
8. Jesus performs miracles, healing the blind and raising the dead (Lazarus).
9. Jesus says: " I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".
10. Jesus is betryed, arrested, denied, trailed before Pilate and dies via crucifiction.
11. Jesus is resurrected and appears to Mary Magdalene, His Disciples, Thomas and question Peter about his love for God.
> Eternal life is only possible through the Word, who gives eternal light to all - prepare the way for Him to your heart.
5. Acts
1. Jesus appears to His apostels and promise the Holy Spirit, and then Ascend to Heaven.
2. Matthias is chosen in the place of Judas as an apostle.
3. The Holy Spirit comes 7 weeks after Jesus's resurrection, and the believers become able to speak languages of other nations.
4. Stephen is stoned by the Jewish leaders for speading the Gospel, followed by a wave of persecution of the believers.
5. Saul (Paul) a Roman citizen is converted on his way to Damascus, as Jesus spoke to him in a voice.
6. Peter spead the Good News to the Gentiles also, and the Gentiles also revieve the Holy Spirit.
7. Paul and Barnabas together spead he Good news, then separated, and then Paul took Silas to go with him.
8. In Jerusalem the Jews tried to kill Paul but is protected by the Roman regiment.
9. Paul defends himself before Felix and Festus, and is then sent to Rome, as he appealed to Caesar.
10. On the way to Rome Paul is shipwrecked and lands on the Island of Malta.
11. Paul arrives in Rome and lived there for 2 years, proclaiming the Kingdom of God.
> The Church is born, with the comming of the Holy Spirit, the body of Christ - who knows no end.
6. Romans
1. This is Paul's letter to the Romans, starting out that God has anger against non-truth, and will abandon such people.
2. Paul indicates that true circumcision is not of the body but of the heart - you heart must seek to do good.
3. Paul indicates the law can not be held by man and that we need salvation in Jesus Christ through faith.
4. With Adam, sin entered into the entire human race - but through Jesus's rightrouness we are all made right again.
5. Sin is no longer our master, for we are no longer subject to the law which enslaves to sin. Instead free by God's Grace.
6. To live a new life not by the letter of the law, but by the Spirit, for the law can not save us from our sinful nature.
> God has a solid logical framework for us to understand the Gospel and guarantee a future.
7. I Corinthians
1. This is Paul's letter to the Corinthians, appealing to them not to argue among themselves.
2. Paul hold that we should attain wisdom from God not the world, condemns spiritual pride, avoiding lawsuits with Christians.
3. Paul instructs on sexual sin and instructs on marriage.
4. Paul writes about the spirtitual gifts given by the Holy Spirit as a means of helping the entire church, as decided by the Holy Spirit:
(Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophesy, decernment of Spirits, Unknown languages & Interpretation.)
5. Paul further writes to the function of the church as the body of Christ, and the resurrection of the body with the comming of Christ.
> Christ to shape our lives, beliefs and values so it is not shaped by the world around you.
8. II Corinthians
1. This is Paul's & Timothy letter to the Corinthians, reminding them that God offers comfort for all.
2. We must be viewed as God's ambassadors, and we are called to generous giving.
3. Paul tells about his many trails and suffering he endured, and not to boast in oneself.
4. Paul says he was given thorn in his flesh, a messanger from Satan to torment him - to keep him from getting proud.
5. God says to Paul: My power works best trough your weakness.
> We need to be renewed by the Holy Spirit to ensure we continue advancing God's kingdom.
9. Galatians
1. This is Paul writing saying that God has called him even before he was born, to proclaim the Good News.
2. Paul having the responsibility to preach to the Gentiles and Peter to the Jews.
3. Paul says if we could be saved for keeping the law, then there was no need for Christ to die.
4. The law was given to show us our guilt, but the system of laws was only to last until the comming of Christ.
5. Now that faith in Christ has come we no longer need the law as our gaurdian.
6. When you are directed by the Holy Spirit you are no longer subject to the law.
7. Fruit of the Holy Spirit is: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness & Self control.
> Freedom from the law means to serve Christ and be transformed by the Holy Spirit.
10. Ephesians
1. This is Paul writing saying that God has chosen us in Christ long before He made the world.
2. The church is the body filled by Christ, who fills everything everywhere with His presence, giving you the Holy Spirit.
3. All is one in Christ, Jews and Gentiles, in a temple for the Lord with Christ as the cornerstone.
4. Paul remind that the light within us will produce only what is good and right and true.
5. Lastly to put on the armour of God so we can fight evil.
> We the church must fight evil, no matter when, no matter where, no matter what the cost.
11. Philippians
1. Paul writing that we must live as citizens of heaven.
2. It is priceless to know Christ, as we press towards the goal for which Christ has called us up to heaven.
3. To fix our thoughts on what is true, honourable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise.
4. To know I can do all things through Christ Jesus - all is possible.
> Our nationalism is to God's kingdom to where our true citizenship belongs, an eternal kingdom.
12. Colossians
1. Paul letter saying we need to seek spiritual wisdom - then your life before God will be right, and you will know God more.
2. Christ is the one through whom God created everything in heaven and earth. (all created through Him and for Him)
3. Christ existed before everything and holds creation together.
4. We have freedom from the Law and live in a new life in Christ, which must be visible in your behaviour.
> We must combat false doctrines, and promote the truth.
13. I Tessalonians
1. Paul's letter, that we must live to please God, with the hope of pending resurrection, being always thankful.
2. Test everything that is being said, hold on what is good and keep away from evil.
> We must lead lives worthy of Christ's kingdom.
14. II Tessalonians
1. Paul is writing about the second comming of the Lord and that belivers must stand firm.
> In the light of Christ's return, we should lead lives that are beyond reproach.
15. I Timothy
1. Paul writes that the law is not made for people who do what is right, but we must teach about faith and truth.
2. The importance to treat others with utmost respect and care for those who are in need.
3. The warning that the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil, for we enter and exit the world with nothing.
4. To be always ready to share with those in need and be rich in good works.
> We must grow and develop in Wisdom so that we have also legacy to the next generation.
16. II Timothy
1. Paul writes his last letter about the importance to be a good soldier for Christ, and the dangers of the last days.
2. Paul writes: The time of death is near, I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and remained faithful.
> The importance to live every day to move towards the objective of building God's kingdom (on Earth and in Heaven).
17. Titus
1. Paul writes that Titus must propote the right teaching and to do what is good.
> The importance to build everyday on the foundation of God's kingdom - by doing what is good.
18. Philemon
1. Paul appeal to Philemon to take back the slave Onesimus, and treat him as if he is Paul, as Paul will pay any of his dues.
> The understanding of the unlimited value of God's children, and to treat people as such.
19. Hebrews
1. Long ago God spoke to us through the prophets, but now through His Son, who sustains the universe by command.
2. We have a high Priest in Jesus, who understands our weaknesses, and in Him we can recieve mercy and grace.
3. We are called to spiritual growth in the knowledge that God's promises brings us hope.
4. Jesus will remain a priest forever, thus can He save forever and bring us to God through Him.
5. No need for a sacrificial system anymore because Jesus was the perfect sacrifice once for all.
6. God creates a new covenant, where He will put the laws in their minds and write it on their hearts, so they will obey them.
7. They will be My people and I will be their God, all will know God and God will forgive their sins.
8. It is impossible to please God without faith. (ie. Enoch went to heaven without dying because of his faith).
9. We must remember that God discipline His children, and knowing that we are called to listen to God.
> The purpose of the law is also to point towards Christ as its fufilment.
20. James
1. When our faith is tested our endurance can grow, to become strong in character, and ready for anything.
2. However, our faith is dead if it is not accompanied with good deeds.
3. We need to be careful with the tonge, for it can cause immence destruction (control your tonge).
4. Draw close to God, do not judge others or boast, but have patience in suffering, with the power of prayer.
> What you do is indicative of your faith, and through your faith is your salvation.
21. I Peter
1. When you endure trails for a while, endure - for there is joy ahead of an eternal life.
2. The trails we have in life is only to test our faith - to show it is strong and pure.
3. Live a Holy life, do good, respect authority and do as if God is doing it through you.
> Trails are there to test your Faith, so it can become strong and pure - as it is far more precious than pure gold.
22. II Peter
1. We are called to grow in the knowledge of God.
2. Moral excellence leads to knowing God, leading to self control, to endurance, to godliness, to love for Christians, then all.
3. Work hard at this and the gates of Heaven will be wide open.
4. God is giving more time for people to repent as He does not want anyone to perish.
> We need to grow in our knowledge of Christ and act in accordance.
23. I John
1. Confess your sins to Him, He is faithfull and just to forgive us an cleanse us from every wrong.
2. Jou belong to Christ who takes away your sins by obeying His word, you are already children of God.
3. Love one another, discern flase prophets and have faith in the Son of God.
> To walk in the light, confess your sins, love God, purify yourself from lusts and follow the Spirit of truth.
24. II John
1. There are many decievers, so have nothing to do with them, rather live in the Truth.
> If you do not believe and act in the truth you are a deceiver and an antichrist.
25. III John
1. Ensure that you do care for the Lord's workers.
> Support and build systems that promote the truth and what is good.
26. Jude
1. We must defend the truth of the Good News.
> Live by God's spirit, and not by natural instinct by aiming to do only what leads to self enjoyment.
27. Revelation
1. 7 gold lampstands is the church, and in the middle stands Christ.
2. Christ holds 7 stars (angels of the 7 churches) in His right hand, and a sharp two-edged sword came from His mouth.
3. Christ holds the keys of death and the grave.
4. Christ is writing a letter to each angel of the 7 churches:
4. To Church 1 (Ephesus) - Love again, for those victorious will eat from the tree of life in God's paradise.
5. To Church 2 (Smyrna) - Remain faithful under persecution, then you will recieve a crown of life.
6. To Church 3 (Pergamum) - Repent, then you will eat Mana in heaven, and reveive a new name.
7. To Church 4 (Thyatira) - Do not be lead astray, then you will be given authority over the nations.
8. To Church 5 (Sardis) - Strengthen what is left, then you will walk with Christ clothed in white.
9. To Church 6 (Philadelphia) - Hold on what you have, then you will be citizens in God's city, the new Jerusalem.
10. To Church 7 (Laodicea) - Dont be lukewarm or cold, then you will sit with Christ on the throne.
11. There is a throne in heaven surrounded with 24 thrones on which elders sit. In front of it 7 lampstands.
12. In the centre of the throne and around were 4 living beings worshiping with the elders the Lord Almighty.
13. Christ is the only one worthy who takes and open the scroll from God to break the seals:
14. Seal 1 - A rider on a whire horse rides out, with a bow and crown to win many battles and gain the victory.
15. Seal 2 - A rider on a red horse, with a sword, removing peace on earth, causing war and slaughter everywhere.
16. Seal 3 - A rider on a black horse, holding scales to measure amounts of food for a day's pay.
17. Seal 4 - A rider(death) on a pale green horse, to kill 25% of the earth with sword, famine and disease.
18. Seal 5 - To wait until the full number of brother and sisters have been martyred.
19. Seal 6 - A great earthquake, the sun became dark, the moon red, stars falls from the sky, Christ has come.
20. Four angles will say wait, and will go on the earth to place the seal of God on the foreheads of His servants (144k).
21. Then a crowd, to great to count, stands in white before the throne and worshiped God.
22. Seal 7 - An angel threw fire down upon the earth, and there was thunder, lightning and a terrible eathquake.
23. Angel 1 - blew his trumpet - One third of the earth was set on fire.
24. Angel 2 - blew his trumpet - One third of the sea became blood, with sea cratures, and ships in it destroyed.
25. Angel 3 - blew his trumpet - One third of rivers and springs became bitter any many people died.
26. Angel 4 - blew his trumpet - One third of the sun, moon, stars became dark, same for night and day.
27. Angel 5 - blew his trumpet - Locusts sting like scorpions only people who do not have Gods seal on their foreheads.
28. Angel 6 - blew his trumpet - Four angles at the Euphrates river are let loose to kill one third of all people.
29. When the seventh angel blow his trumpet God's mysterious plan will be fulfilled.
30. Two witnessess will prophesy for 1260 days, when completed, the beast from the bottemless pit will kill them.
31. After 3,5 days the 2 witnessess will be resurected and taken up to heaven.
32. Angel 7 - blew his trumpet - Time to judge the dead and reward the servants.
33. Event in heaven where a woman gave birth, but a dragon (took 1/3 of stars) were to kill the new born baby.
34. God snatched the baby away to God's throne, and the woman fled in to the widerness for 1260 days.
35. Then there was war in heaven and the dragon (Satan) lost the battle and was thrown down in earth with his angels.
36. Then the dragon war against the woman who gave birth and also the rest of her chidren.
37. Then a beast out of the sea received power from Satan an could do what it wanted for 42 months.
38. Then a best from the earth to give power to the first beast and requested all people to revieve a mark.
39. The mark is 666 on the right hand or forehead, and without it no one could buy or sell anything.
40. Christ stood with 144,000 who had His name on their forehead.
41. First Angel - shouted - give glory to God, for He will sit as a judge.
42. Second Angel - shouted - Babylon is fallen, because she seduced nations.
43. Third Angel - shouted - Anyone who worship the beast, and his statue or accept his mark will get God's wrath.
44. With sickle God harvested the whole earth.
45. In heaven stood all those who stood against the beast, his statue and his mark 666.
46. Seven angels poured out 7 bowles of Plagues:
47. Bowl 1 - malignant sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his statue.
48. Bowl 2 - the sea became like blood and everything in it died.
49. Bowl 3 - the rivers and springs became blood.
50. Bowl 4 - the sun scorcing everyone with fire, and everyone was burned by the fire.
51. Bowl 5 - The trone of the beast and his kingdom is plunged into darkness - his subjects became pains and sores.
52. Bowl 6 - Rules of the world would gather at (Armageddon) to battle against God, on that great judgement day.
53. Bowl 7 - Great earthquake, all cities fell into rubble, mountains were leveled, islands gone and massive hailstorm.
(the above is done so that the people can repent and turn to God)
54. Judegment on the great prostitute, having immoral relations with the people of the world.
55. An Immoral Woman sitting on a scarlet beast (the mother of all prostitutes and obscenities) - Babylon.
56. The scarlet beast will come from the bottomless pit, and with the rules of the world kill the woman.
57. Babylon is fallen (city of immorallity) rulers of the world commited adultery with her, traders grew rich through her.
58. She will be consumed by fire and the rulers will mourn and the traders weep as she bought gold, silver, jewels etc.
59. She even traded in human lives, she was the one who slaughtered God's people all over the world.
60. God has punshed the great prostitute who corrupted the earth, and avenged the murder of His servants.
61. The bride was getting ready for the groom in heaven as the wedding feast is prepared.
62. Then a rider on a white horse appreard - His title "The word of God" ready with his army.
63. The beast got ready gathering the kings of the earth and their armies.
64. The beast was captured, also the false prophet who decieved all who accepted the mark of the beast.
65. Both the beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into a lake of fire, with their army killed.
66. Then an angel came down from heaven and seized the dragon (Satan) and bounded him a 1000 years.
67. The angel threw him into the bottomless pit, and shut it so he can not decieve the nations anymore.
68. Some of Gods people were brought to life again, and reigned with Christ a 1000 years. (first resurrection)
69. After 1000 years Satan will be let out of prison, and he will go to decieve every nation, to gather them for war.
70. They surrounded God's people - but fire from heaven came down and consumed the attaking armies.
71. Satan was thrown into the lake of fire joining the beast and the false prophet, to be tormented forever.
72. The dead stood in front of God's throne, and were all judged according to their deeds.
73. Death and the grave was thrown into the lake of fire.
74. This is the second death anyone who's name was not in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
75. There was a new heaven and earth as the old has disappeared.
76. A new Jerusalem came as a new city in which those who's names are written on the book of life can live forever.
77. The nations in this city will eat again of the tree of life.
> Only God's kingdom is eternal, and the future is certain that victory is only in Christ.