The Final Constitution
Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keep the law is blessed."
A constitution is made up of principles by which a nation, or a people, are governed. God's Word was given not only to those who believe and follow Him, but to all mankind. God's kingdom is build on eternal foundations and knows no end, to this kingdom is our true citizenship.
(It is "non est aequale" - with no equal) and is an axiom - as it is self-evident and true.
The limited (Man) can not comprehend the unlimited transendental reality, and thus need God to speak.
- Law:
- PS 19:7 - The law of the Lord is perfect
- Prov 10:8 - The wise of heart will recieve commandments.
- Gal 6:7 - You will always reap what you sow.
- I Cor 13:13 - Only 3 things will endure: Faith, Hope and Love - But the greatest of all is Love.
- Life:
- John 14:6 - Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no one can come to the Father except by Him.
- I John 2:17 - If you do the will of God, you will live forever.
- Gen 9:6 - No one may kill another, as humans are living beings created in God`s image.
- I Cor 15:45 - The first man, Adam, became the first living person but Christ is a life giving Spirit.
- I Cor 15:26 - The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
- II Cor 5:17 - Christians becomes new in that the old life is gone, and a new life has begun in Christ.
- Freedom:
- John 8:32 - You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
- I John 2:27 - The Holy Spirit teaches you all things, and what He teaches is true.
- II Peter 2:19 - You are a slave to whatever controls you.
- Rom 6:6 - Our old self was crusified with Him, so our body of sin be done away, so we are no longer slaves to sin.
- Kingdom & Government:
- Sam 8:17 - If a nation has a earthly king, the king will take the best from the people in the country for himself.
- 1 Kings 9:19 - Solomon built towns and cities and infrastructure, conduting various projects.
- 1 Kings 10:22 - Solomon had a fleet of trading ships. (Alliances with trading countries).
- 2 Chr 7:14 - Humble yourselves pray and seek my face and turn from sin, and I will forgive you and heal your land.
- Matt 11:25 - Any kingdom at war with itself is doomed/collapse, so also for a city and a home.
- Matt 21:43 - The Kingdom of God will be given to a nation that produce the propper fruit.
- Rom 13:1 - Obey the government, for God has put it there. (Respect Authority and pay your taxes).
- Rev 1:5 - Christ is the commander over all the rulers of the world.
- Rev 1:8 - Christ is the alpha and omega - the one who is, always was, and is still to come. Gen 11:6 - Nothing impossible for Man if all are united in a mission.
- The Individual:
- Eccl 12:13 - Fear God and obey His commands, He will judge us for everything we do - good or bad.
- Isaiah 56:6 - God will bless those who commit, serve & love God, also hold the Sabbath, and accept God's covenant.
- Matt 17:20 - With faith nothing would be impossible for you. (Faith without works is dead)
- Matt 25:23 - If you are a faithfull servant in small things, you will be given more responsibility.
- Mark 9:50 - Preserve what is good and live with peace amoung each other.
- John 8:7 - Let those without sin throw the first stone.
- Acts 20:35 - It is more blessed to give than to recieve.
- Rom 6:15 - Whatever you choose to obey becomes your master (therefore obey God).
- Rom 8:31 - If God is with us who can be against us?
- Rom 8:38 - Nothing can separate us from God's love.
- Rom 12:16 - Live in harmony with one another, dont act all important, enjoy the company of ordinary people.
- Rom 12:17 - Do not think you know it all; live in peace with everyone; do not take revenge, but leave it to God.
- Rom 14:23 - If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.
- Citizenship:
- Luke 10:20 - Rejoice because your names are registered as citizens of heaven.
- II Cor 5:20 - We are Christ's ambassadors to reconcile people with God.
- Phil 1:27 - Live as citizens of Heaven.
- Heb 11:13-16 - Although we are foreigners on earth our homeland is heaven.
- Wealth:
- Luke 12:33 - Sell what you have and give to those in need. This will store up treasure in heaven.
- Luke 16:9 - Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends, your generosity stores rewards in heaven.
- Luke 16:11 - If you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven.
- Luke 19:26 - To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But those unfaithfull will be taken from.
- II Cor 8:14 - Give is such away so that peoples needs can be met.
- I John 3:22 - If we obey God and do the things that pleases Him, we can receive whatever we request from Him.
- I Cor 3:22 - The world, life, death the present and the future - everything belongs to you as you belong to Christ.
- I John 3:17 - If you have enough money but do not help your brother or sister in need, how can you have God's love.
- I John 2:16 - For the world offers only the lust for physical pleasure, pride in possessions is not from the Father.
- Your Body:
- I Cor 3:16 - You are the temple in which God's spirit lives, His temple is holy, and may not be ruined.
- I Cor 6:15 - Your body is part of Christ, and belog to Christ (v19 - Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit - honour God with it).
- War:
- Eph 6:12 - we are not fighting people but evil:
- (belt of truth, body of armour -righteousness, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword - word of God).
- Rom 12:21 - Conquer evil by doing good.
- Our Actions & Obligations:
- II Tim 3:16 - All scripture is inpired by God to teach us what is true, and do what is right.
- Tit 3:14 - We should not have unproductive lives, but learn to do good by helping others in urgent needs.
- Heb 5:14 - To grow spiritually, by training to knowing right from wrong and then to do what is right.
- Heb 11:1 - Faith is the confident assurance that what is hoped for is going to happen. ( ie. creation of universe)
- James 4:17 - It is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.
- James 5:16 - The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.
- Prov 3:5 - Seek God's will in all you do
- I Cor 9:25 - Run the race of life with self control, to win, so you can obtain the eternal prize.
- Gal 6:3 - You are never too important to not help someone else in need.
- Gal 6:10 - Whenever you have the opportunity, do good to others.
- Eph 4:26 - Do not let anger get contol over you, do honest work, give generously to others in need.
- Eph 4:29 - Do not use foul or abusive language let all you say be good and helpful.
- II Cor 3:2 - Your lives are a letter written for all to see by the Spirit of God on the hearts of others.
- Jude 1:20 - Continue to pray as you are directed by the Holy Spirit.
- Jude 1:23 - Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment, show mercy but do not be contaminated.
- Husband & Wife and others:
- I Peter 3:7 - If you do not treat your wife well your prayers will not be answered (honour your wife).
- I Peter 3:10 - Happy life means: speak no evil or lies, do good and live in peace with others.
- I John 4:18 - Perfect love exples all fear.
- I John 3:18 - Let us stop just saying we love one another, let us show it by our actions.
- I Cor 12:28 - You are part of the body of Christ with the following members: (with Christ as the head of the body)
- ( Apostels, Prophets, Teachers, Miracles, Healing, help others, get others to work together, speak unknown languages).
- I Cor 13:3 - Love is the greatest - if I do not love others I would be of no value. Love is the following:
- (Kind, not jealous or proud or rude, does not demand its own way, not irritable, keeps no record of when it was wronged,
- not glad about injustice, rejoice when truth wins, never gives up, not lose faith, always hopeful, endures every circumstance)
- Eph 4:30 - The Holy Spirit identify you as its own, and will gaurantee your salvation on the day of redemption.
- Eph 4:31 - Get rid of rage, anger, harsh words, slander, be kind and forgiving.
- 1 John 2:10 - Anyone who loves other Christians is living in the light and does not cause anyone to stumble.